You switched the prediction game

Shield contest
Contest rules

What is this contest about?

To win a golden shield a player has to score every round above average. The more rounds a prediction game has, the more difficult it is to accomplish this.
A silver shield is awarded to players that score every round (execpt one) above average. A bronze shield is awarded to players that score every round (execpt wto) above average.
It's not unusual that in prediction games with more than 20 rounds nobody wins any shield in this contest. But It is also likely that in prediction games with few rounds more than one player wins a golden, silver or bronze shield.
Any season, tournament or other overall predictions are not part of this contest.
You're on a page of the prediction game for: Football / La Liga 2010/11. As in every prediction game on this site, there are multiple contests. This is just one football prediction game among many others. A list of comparable predictor games can be found here.