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Forum thread started as ... What is the fiercest rivalry in Bulgarian football?
The fiercest rivalry in Bulgarian football is generally considered to be between PFC Levski Sofia and PFC CSKA Sofia. These two clubs, based in the capital city of Sofia, have a long-standing history of intense competition both on and off the field. The matches between Levski Sofia and CSKA Sofia, often referred to as the 'Eternal Derby' or 'Sofia Derby,' are highly anticipated and draw significant attention from fans across the country.

The rivalry between Levski Sofia and CSKA Sofia goes beyond football and has historical and cultural roots. It is intertwined with the broader social and political dynamics of Bulgaria, as well as the clubs' fan bases. The matches are known for their passionate atmosphere, with fans displaying unwavering support for their respective teams.

Both Levski Sofia and CSKA Sofia have enjoyed success in Bulgarian football, and their encounters have often determined the outcome of domestic championships. The rivalry has produced memorable moments, heated confrontations, and intense emotions, making it one of the most fiercely contested and followed rivalries in Bulgarian football.
Uyarı: Bu metin ChatGPT tarafından oluşturulmuştur.
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This is the Great Swindle of AI! The text seems to address the topic and puts it in nice words, but the real info is close to nil :)

One can find out that the fiercest rivalry is Levski v CSKA. Other than that, you can replace the names with any rivalry of big clubs anywhere in the world and the text will be equally true.
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I don't want to win a Pulitzer Prize with that. It's just a intermediate result of an new function for the admins.

Task: ChatGPT, summarize the text delimited by # with a limerick.

#Levski Sofia and CSKA Sofia are rivals, but that's true for a lot of teams originating from the same city, and Michal can't see any useful information from that fact#

Answer from ChatGPT:
In Sofia, fierce rivals they fight,
Levski and CSKA's spotlight.
But the truth be told,
City teams often unfold,
With no useful info in sight.
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That's better :) I will share the limerick with my friends in our Sofia office.
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Klaus, and can you ask the Machine if it knows the answer to our legendary question, which is:

Why do teams in Nigerian league perform so well in their home games?

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Sure, but the answer from ChatGPT is long and is not addressing the main factor: bribery

The answers differ between the different ChatGPT models. The website does not mention 'Referee bias', the API version does.

Anybody who's annoyed by the ChatGPT texts can filter these messages: player -> settings or press filter at the bottom of a text from ChatGPT
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