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The European League of Football 2024 prediction game is over.
American football
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One of these very rare situations where the Classic gold was decided by the tie-breaker. After a season-long comp and with quite a wide points scale for (as compared to 0-6pts ftbll scale) Lukas and myself still finished even on points!

I personally think Lukas deserved the win more as he had 2 more correct outcome predictions than I did but rules are rules. The trick here was that many EFL games end up with much higher pts differents that one might prectict pre-game based theoretically on team strengths. Apparently this tiny observation proved enough for me to make up for this 2 correct outcome deficit (so 150pts max difference) in the course of the entire season. Or maybe no rule here, just a pure coincidence and luck? Not sure :)

thx for a great competition and see you next year! I think ELF is getting more and more interest these days, I could even see live tv broadcasts of it on one of my sports channels. Personally, I enjoy predicting this comp more than NFL. Still I find am/football much less enjoyable than rugby :)
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