You switched the prediction game

Predictions of other players


Rose - Leishman
Leishman 3+2
Palmer - Lahiri
Lahiri 4+2
Walker - Woodland
Woodland 19h
Poulter - Simpson
Simpson 3+2
Stenson - Senden
Senden 19h
Haas - Todd
Haas 3+2
Kuchar - Ben Martin
Ben Martin 1up
Mahan - Gallacher
Mahan 7+6
Day - Hoffman
Hoffman 4+3
Z Johnson - Grace
Z Johnson 2up
Garcia - Fleetwood
Garcia 2up
Donaldson - Wiesberger
Donaldson 1up
Spieth - Ilonen
Spieth 4+2
Westwood - Matt Every
Westwood 1up
Reed - Sullivan
Reed 2+1
Moore - Willett
Willett 3+2
Furyk - Coetzee
Furyk 3+2
Kaymer - Jaidee
Kaymer 3+1
J. B. Holmes - Marc Warren
Marc Warren 2+1
Koepka - Henley
Koepka 1up
Watson - Jiménez
Watson 5+4
Oosthuizen - Bradley
Oosthuizen 6+5
Fowler - English
Fowler 1up
McDowell - Lowry
Lowry 1up
D Johnson - Jones
D Johnson 3+1
Dubuisson - Schwartzel
Schwartzel 5+4
Scott - F Molinari
F Molinari 5+4
Kirk - Casey
Casey 22h
McIlroy - Dufner
McIlroy 5+4
Horschel - Snedeker
Horschel 5+4
tight win
Matsuyama - Levy
Matsuyama 5+4
normal win
Na - Luiten
Luiten 19h

Colour code