Megváltoztatta a jóslati játékot

Contest rules

Challenge contest

In this prediction game ...

The Challenge contest differs substantially from the other contests. Unlike all contests where each player needs to predict the final result (independently of the other players), in the Challenge contest the players interact with each other.
Ebben a jóslati játékban nincs kihívás verseny.
Please notice: There is no obligation to enter a challenge or objection every week. The participation is completely voluntary. The scoring system of the Challenge contest is entirely isolated from the scoring system of other contests.
The basic principle is simple: Every player can enter a challenge or raise an objection to challenges from opponents. If his prediction turns out to be right he'll get points according to the number of objections which were entered by the other players. If his prediction turns out to be wrong he'll lose points according to the number of objections.

How does the Challenge contest work?

  • A challenge can be entered soonest 14 days before kick-off time.
  • A challenge can be entered not later than 1 day before kick-off time.
  • A challenge can only deleted as long as there is no objection from another player.
  • Nem lehet kétszer ugyanazt a kihívást nevezni egy mérkőzésre.
  • All challenges without objections will be deleted: No points for anybody.
  • An objection can be set until kick-off time.
  • An objection can be deleted until kick-off time.

How does the points system work?

In case of a lost challenge...
  • the player who entered the challenge will lose 1 point for each objection that was raised against his challenge
  • every player who sets an objection against this challenge will get 1 point
In case of a won challenge...
  • the player who entered the challenge will get 2 points for each objection that was raised against his challenge
  • every player who sets an objection against this challenge will lose 1 point
Ön a következő előrejelző játék oldalán van: Futball / UEFA European U-19 Champ. 2025. Mint minden előrejelző játékban ezen az oldalon, itt is több verseny van. Ez csak egy futball-előrejelzési játék a sok más közül. Az összehasonlítható előrejelző játékok listája itt található.